Giving a taste of my 2024 wedding photography allows me the opportunity to showcase the photos that resonate with me. The ones that stick in my minds eye because of an expression, fleeting moment or show of emotion; whether happy , sad or indifferent! All I can do as a wedding photographer is photograph in a way that I would want my own wedding photographed and deliver images that I would be happy to receive. After photographing couples weddings for as long as I have, I can tell you I still get a buzz from creating photos with meaning and challenging myself creatively.
I had some beautiful weddings to photograph in 2024. Some small, some large, some indoors, some outdoors, but all unique. The selection below are from just a few of those weddings, I will need to do a part 2 from 2024! The Secret Garden features in two in part one, a venue that I love!
What I have found year after year is that the couples who book me are always the loveliest people I could wish to work for. It sounds a bit cliche to say that but it is honestly true and for that I am grateful.
If you’ve read this far perhaps you are looking to get an insight into why I chose these photos to feature and are looking to book a photographer for your wedding. If that’s the case, and you like what you see here please do get in touch as there are key dates still available for 2025!
To view more wedding photography from The Secret Garden and Chilston Park please click on the links below:-
Becca & Fred’s Wedding – The Secret Garden
Rachel & Tony – The Secret Garden